Purple / Gold Mag 30th;16/11/ · R301 The R301 is the other solid workhorse weapon of Apex Legends, providing consistent damage and a smooth and easytocontrol recoil While it deals less damage outright than the Flatline16/04/21 · Compatible with R301 Carbine and VK47 Flatline August 13, 19 Patch Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness April 16, 19 Patch Fully kitted R301 Carbine now has 1x2x Variable Holo instead of 2x4x Variable AOG

R 301 recoil pattern
R 301 recoil pattern-10/03/21 · R301 Carbine Ammo Light Rounds While the Carbine may be the only assaultrifle to use light rounds, it shares some commonality with the13/08/19 · R301 Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness Designer Notes We've made these changes as we've seen that the R301 is

R301 Full auto AR, with bullet recoil pattern running slight right Aim this weapon neck up as it produces low body damage Excellent recoil for a high fire rate However, to maximize its damage, headshots must be dealt with midway through the clipAmong the assault rifles, the R301 has the best accuracy, most predictable recoil pattern, and most attachment slots for any assault rifle The R99 on the other hand has the highest rate of fire at 1080 rounds per minute and is surprisingly accurate with a barrel stabilizer Both also accept light ammo, which is the most common and stackable type of ammunition in the game As for LegendsRecoil is the backward movement of weapon when it is firing Knowing each weapons recoil can help you to improve your weapon handling Spitfire Recoil Guide include Hip Fire (Fire weapon using crosshair) M600 Spitfire hip fire recoil is not recommended, it kick really hard and the bullet projectile is inaccurate and go all around the target randomly Scopein (Fire weapon using optic)
Quite a bit do use Xim and it is clearly being seen with 100 meter shots of no recoil patterns Also the controller icon at end of the match is 100% using it when you see them using a mouse and keyboard One thing ill point out A lot the streamers use very low sensitivity They move the mouse a good 6 inches just to make a simple bunny hop Then watch their hand while shooting unlessInstead of a small base pitch/yaw offset with high randomness, Apex has hand tuned recoil patterns where each bullet applies a specific pitch and yaw offset amount from it's part of the pattern, with a small variance In the editor it looks like a squiggly connect the dots with little boxes around the dots (where the box represents the variance) Yeah that's what I meant withR301 Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness Designer Notes We've made these changes as we've seen that the R301 is a bit stronger than
R301 is a odd weapon The recoil can be wild to control because it kicks to the left and right like a ?Then fire again, this time adjusting for the recoil Your goal with this second round of firing is to make every bullet hitReduced leg damage multiplier 09 > 08 ;


09/11/ · The R301 is nothing to write home about, but its unnoticeable recoil pattern establishes it as one of Apex Legend's premier assault rifles for high and lowtier players Additionally, a short or midrange holographic sight makes the gun a perfect fit for most firefight scenarios The G7 (or Hemlock, depending on your preference), are great longrange optionsR301 Carbine — Light Assault Rifle The R301 has been an allrounder since Apex Legends first dropped in February 19, but for a single short stint out of the meta in Season 2, and nothing's changed now The carbine is great at range, up close, and is simple to use The addition of the Anvil Receiver hopup in Season 3 helped the R301, but Respawn chose to remove it again in Season10/04/19 · Stand several steps away from the rock's surface, then empty your weapon's magazine onto the wall without adjusting for the recoil Look at the marks you left behind so you can figure out the weapon's vertical and horizontal recoil pattern;


Single fire weapons seem to have very good recoil in general For automatics, the R301 Carbine is tough to beat If you can find a Barrel Stabilizer, that will help a lot on any gun that can take it White is good, Blue is better, Purple is best (There are also superrare Gold Barrel Stabilizers;Each weapon in each game has a unique recoil pattern and when adjusted correctly AntiRecoil simply combats the vertical (and sometimes horizontal) aspect of this When the game causes the weapon to pull up, AntiRecoil will pull the weapon down enough to level out your shot AntiRecoil values are different for each weapon, and the builtin Weapon Tracking System applies expert AntiRecoil16/11/ · Flatline is just a buffed up version of R301 but with more recoil Just like the R301, the Flatline didn't receive any significant changes in season 7 If you can control its recoil then this is definitely a pretty viable alternative to the R301 Havoc image via Respawn Entertainment In season 7, Respawn decided to give HAVOC another recoil pattern The old pattern made the


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13/08/19 · R301 Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness Designer Notes We've made these changes as we've seen that the R301 isFeedback & Bug Reports ;It definitely hits harder than the R301 but the recoil can be a real pain to handle sometimes Like previous seasons, Flatline can be viable if the player is confident in his/her ability to handle its recoil Havoc image via Respawn Entertainment In season 6, Respawn decided to give HAVOC a new recoil pattern The new pattern made the gun a little bit more consistent in terms of the recoil


29/04/21 · Recoil pattern somewhat hard to control especially with 2x and higher optics Iron sights cluttered by most weapon skins Slow projectile speed Skins edit edit source There are a total of 68 weapon skins for the VK47 Flatline 16 Legendary, 12 Epic, 25 Rare and 16 Common Supernova 1,0 Hazard Pay 1,0 The Spine Chiller 1,0 The Lowrider 1,0 The Death RattleApex Legends Recoil Patterns Hi!Adjusted bunnyhop macro 03/28/19, 2238 #19 (?) ManhattanGG elite*gold 187 The Black Market 1 /0/ 0 Join Date Sep 18 Posts 154 Received Thanks 21 28/03/19 Changelog Added 2 new security measures to


The 301 does have greater variance to the end of it's recoil pattern than say, the Flatline, which means it performs better in bursts The Flatline is more consistent but has a much harder to control pattern Additionally, the Flatline does not take barrel attachments, so it can never get quite as easy to control as the 30102/07/19 · adjusted no recoil for new R99/R301 random recoil pattern updated timers on Gibraltar's dome and Pathfinder's Ultimate ZipLine 04/09/19 v012 updated loader for the Voidwalker Event 01/08/19 v011 fixed the LStar glitch 03/07/19 v010 updated esp entities with newest hopups and LStar added player esp for Wattson legend updated offsets forG7 Scout Increased base damage 30 > 34;


I would really really love some feedback so feel free to roast me like a marshmallow Song "Lakey Inspired – Blue Boi Lofi" is under a Creative Commons (CC BYSA10/12/ · If you want to practice the recoil patterns for weapons besides the R99 and R301 showcased in the video, check out this overview of all the recoil patterns onApex Legends Season 9 Legacy is an extremely bold season when it comes to changes to loot and weaponry It is the first season to introduce two brandnew

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13/08/19 · R301 Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness Designer Notes We've made these changes as we've seen that the R301 is a bit stronger than intended at long range We've adjusted recoil to balance keeping it effective at medium to close rangewhich is the original intentbut it should be more difficult for players toIGN has the stats and details for every weapon available in Apex Legends in our Wiki Guide23/02/19 · R301, RE45 You can fill other weapons recoil_patterns by yourself using method I described above Also recoil_patterns I gathered may be a little bit not accurate (was too tired to snipe small pixels on my screen) so you can share your recoil_patterns with community in this thread Meh?! I will be glad to hear any suggestions how I can improve this script!


02/07/19 · adjusted no recoil for new R99/R301 random recoil pattern updated timers on Gibraltar's dome and Pathfinder's Ultimate ZipLine 04/09/19 v012 updated loader for the Voidwalker Event 01/08/19 v011 fixed the LStar glitch 03/07/19 v010 updated esp entities with newest hopups and LStar added player esp for Wattson legend updated offsets forAdded some recoil randomness to patterns PDW Prowler Added some slight recoil randomness while maintaining the same pattern when fired in fullauto mode Longbow DMR Reduced rate of fire 16 > 13;R301 Spray Pattern & Recoil Compensation Visualized Guide Play 000 000 Settings Fullscreen 12 comments share save hide report 99% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 Coach Original Poster 1 year ago By popular demand, we have the R301 spray pattern and recoil compensation

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Key Features Ghosthairs/spray patterns for all weapons AutoSpray hold down the trigger and it will show you how to spray!I'm not sure if they're equal to Purple as with other Golds or even better, but grab one if youTo answer some questions beforehand The time to empty 18 rounds (1 mag) is 15 seconds


Recoil Patterns of Every Gun in Apex Searches related to apex ps4 recoil control apex ps4 recoil control apex legends r99 recoil control ps4 no recoil controller ps4 apex how to improve recoil control apex legends ps4 apex legends como controlar recoil ps4 como controlar el recoil en apex legends ps4 1323 How To Aim & Control Recoil Better For Controller Players!Reset button clears the bullet holes, reloads13/08/19 · Finally the R301 had both the horizontal and vertical recoil increased In addition, the recoil pattern randomness was increased slightly Like the Alternator, the R301 looked to be stronger than intended, especially at long rage The original intent was to make this weapon effective at medium to close range, hence the adjustment to the recoil The change also means


1 year ago By popular demand, we have the R301 spray pattern and recoil compensation visualized as a gif just like the previous R99 gif!Improved the shooting speed of the Peacemaker macro;The Flatline contains a similar amount of ammunition as the R301, which gives it a slight advantage in lengthy firefights However, if you want to avoid having to reload every few seconds, look for a blue or purple mag Below you can see the number of rounds each Extended Light Mag gives you Camp th;

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Mark pattern and that is hard to control Not to mention that the damage is way too low It does 14 damage and is pretty weak for an Assault Rifle27/02/21 · Re GCV/GPC Apex Legends CV AntiRecoil by J2Kbr » Mon Feb 15, 21 1105 am wimza wrote @J2Kbr I have found that the weapons listed bellow all have issues with the 1x2x Variable Holo scope (Reflex Holosight in computet vision HUD) in that they show incorrect magnification levels but only on these specific weapons which throws off theApex Legends has learnable spray patters which can be controlled and reset This video breaks down how to do both to help you master the R301 AR which is a

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28/04/19 · Improved the R301 macro recoil pattern;05/03/21 · The faithful R301 Carbine is one of the favourite guns of many an Apex Legends player Its high rate of fire and DPS is combined with a wonderful absence of recoil, allowing you to turn enemies even at longer ranges into swiss cheese13/08/19 · R301 Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness Designer Notes We've made these changes as we've seen that the R301 is a bit stronger than intended at long range We've adjusted recoil to balance keeping it effective at medium to close rangewhich is the original intentbut it should be more difficult for players to


Thanks for checking out this little app to practice recoil patterns It's meant to be used on the desktop browser with a mouse or controller The screen width of your device must be greater than 900 pixelsThe screenshot above shows the spray pattern for R301 (medium range) As can be noticed, R301 is a very easytouse weapon, as all it takes to counter the recoil is to move the mouse down and then slightly to left and right Mods R301 can receive following upgrades27/04/21 · Mastiff Shotgun R301 Carbine Volt SMG Alternator SMG G7 Scout VK47 Flatline Havoc Rifle The Atier weapons in Apex Legends act like a


13/08/19 · R301 Increased vertical and horizontal recoil Slightly increased recoil pattern randomness Designer Notes We've made these changes as we've seen that the R301 is a bit stronger than intended at long range We've adjusted recoil to balance keeping it effective at medium to close range–which is the original intent–but it should be more difficult for players toImproved the R45 macro recoil pattern;The map has a build in 'ghosthair' which you should follow with your crosshair to learn the recoil pattern of the weapon while spraying Useful Links Help & FAQ;


Weapon Spray Patterns To help master the spray pattern of every weapon in Apex Legends, we have created a detailed graphic above that showcases the exact recoil pattern ofHemlok Increased base damage 18 > 22;How to Download the map?


29/01/21 · R301 Recoil Control Guide EASY METHOD (Apex Legends) 626 – Recoil Control Pattern (Purple Mag) 650 – Outro I hope this video will help you control your R301 recoil and make you a beast!Slight decrease to rate of fire to both fire


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